
Maternity Services

Newly pregnant? You don’t need to see a GP before seeing our midwife. Please phone reception and they will give you a self refer link to Ipswich Hospital Maternity Department. Your details will be passed to the Midwife who will contact you directly to arrange your booking appointment around the 8 - 10 week point.

Most antenatal care is led by the Community Midwife who is attached to the Practice. She runs antenatal clinics on:

  • Tuesdays 12:15 to 16:40 at Holbrook

She will arrange your care during pregnancy and delivery and will liaise with the hospital about any tests required.

The midwife looks after mother and baby for approximately 11 days after delivery when the Health Visitor takes over this role.

Eight week post natal medical checks of mother and baby are carried out by the doctor in normal GP surgery time.

Family Planning

Your doctor is qualified to discuss contraception and other family planning issues. This can be arranged during normal surgery times.

Nurses Clinics

We have a team of Practice Nurses who run their own clinics at each surgery daily. They are trained to deal with many minor ailments and injuries and they also carry out routine health promotion, health monitoring and follow up clinics. Patients who suffer from chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke or lung disease will see the nurse regularly.

Smoking Cessation Advice

For the sake of your health you are strongly advised not to smoke. Nursing staff can provide smoking cessation advice at both surgeries. Just ring for an appointment and mention that you would like to see a nurse who is trained in this work.

 Minor Injuries

Our nursing and medical staff can provide treatment for many minor injuries which occur in the community. Tell the Receptionist what has happened and she will alert a member of the Practice Team as soon as possible. Please be aware that details of your treatment may be passed to the Primary Care Trust for management purposes. Please tell the nurse or doctor before your treatment if you do not agree to this.

Vaccination Against Influenza

Every autumn we offer free flu vaccinations to any patient over the age of 65 and to those suffering from chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes or stroke. The special sessions are publicised widely within the Practice and in local magazines. Please come along, you will be sent a text with a link to book into the available clinics. If you have not already signed up to receive text messages please do so at the earliest opportunity by ringing or letting us know via a note or email. 

Cervical Screening

The screening programme is organised by Suffolk Practitioners Services Unit and their policy is to offer smears every 3 years for women aged 25-49 and every 5 years for women aged 50-65. Older patients are not included in the screening programme but are welcome to contact the Practice to arrange cervical screening.

When you receive a call/recall letter from the Suffolk PSU contact the surgery for an appointment with the Practice Nurse. Results are usually available in about 6 weeks and will be sent to you by post.

Child Development

This is carried out by the Health Visitor under the supervision of the doctors. The Health Visitor can help with matters such as feeding difficulties, hearing problems and sleeping difficulties. She can be contacted on 01473 820147.

The Health Visitor holds baby clinics at both surgeries, please contact them for days and times they will be in Practice as this differs from week to week.

Child Immunisations

ALL children are invited by post to attend for baby and pre-school vaccinations. When this notification is received please ring the surgery for an appointment with the Practice Nurse.


Counselling Services in Suffolk

NHS funded counselling in Suffolk is now provided by the Suffolk Wellbeing service.

If you are feeling depressed or are suffering from stress and this is affecting your everyday life, you may feel you would benefit from talking to them. You can ask your doctor to refer you, or you can refer yourself.

Please visit or ring 0300 123 1781 if you would like to make direct contact with the service. They will contact you to arrange an initial face to face discussion and then give you further support.

Podiatry and Chiropody

Referral to these services is via the GP or Practice Nurse.

Screening for Chlamydia

Chlamydia is a common but serious sexually transmitted infection as it can lead to infertility. All patients between the ages of 15 and 24 are invited to have a simple test at the surgery (a urine sample for men or a self taken swab for women) which will diagnose the problem, and treatment of just 4 tablets can be prescribed. This test should be repeated annually or sooner if you change partners. Just ask any doctor or nurse for the test.


Travel Vaccinations

If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel you will need to make an appointment with a local travel clinic.

Click here for some helpful information.


Minor injuries service

At the Holbrook and Shotley Practice we operate a MINOR INJURIES SERVICE as an alternative to visiting A&E for some conditions during our normal opening hours:

Non-NHS services

Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges.